Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thunderstorms and tropical cyclones!

Its been an interesting week weather wise in Darwin with extreme thunderstorms! On Friday night the thunderstorm was directly above the house and happened in the night. There were two massive claps of thunder that were so loud, I jumped about half a metre off my bed! The rain then continued to pour and pour. The heavy rain and the king tide meant that there was too much water for the storm drains to handle and the bottom floor of the house got flooded! We had to top some of the couches over to help dry them out! Last night we went and had dinner by the beach and I took this picture of our view over Darwin harbour...


  1. I"m pleased that we are coming over in the "dry season", we need some of that rain over here.

  2. I"m pleased that we are coming over in the "dry season", we need some of that rain over here.

  3. Hi Mum! Yeah there is certainly plenty of rain here!
