Thursday, February 26, 2015

School, School, SCHOOL!

I have met the kids - they are awesome! I have also been into the school at Katherine and met the teachers which I was very lucky about. They are very organised. All the students have set tasks for each subject that they have to complete each day/week. They then scan and upload their activities to their dropbox account so their teacher can see their progress. They have certain assignments that they have to complete every few weeks that go towards their final grades. Each day they link in to a virtual classroom where they can see their teacher while they give them a lesson. Its all really cool!

As I was a bit late getting here we are a few weeks behind but we are all working hard to get back on track.

Darwin is still VERY hot! 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

En route to Katherine

So I'm currently making my way down the Stuart Highway from Darwin to Katherine. I wasn't able to buy a vehicle in the end as there's not a lot around. I'm meeting the family in Katherine so I'm getting excited about that. I'm seeing a lot of road trains on the road! I'll try and get a pic of one... Haven't seen any wildlife yet but no doubt I will soon...

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Croc Cove!

After attending the memorial service for the 73rd anniversary of the bomb attacks on Darwin, I went to the croc cove! I got to hold a blue-tongued lizard, a snake and even a baby crocodile! I also watched the handlers feeding the adult crocs, and then I got to feed the baby crocs.

I also watched as two people went into the 'cage of death' and basically swam in a big tube while a croc swam around them. Check out the pics and videos below...

A northern blue-tongued lizard.

Better that guy than me!

A visit to Aquascene!

Yesterday after I had got all my jobs done, I headed to the end on the esplanade in Darwin to a fish feeding sanctuary in a place called Doctors Gully. Basically, since the early 1950s, hundreds of friendly local wild fish swim in to the shore with the high tide. Over the last 60 years, people have continued to feed them so now they are willingly hand-fed!

I had a go...

There were heaps of different breeds of fish! Milkfish, mullet, catfish, bream, batfish and barramundi.

Thats my hand....

Today marks the anniversary of the bombing of Darwin in WWII. I didn't realise I'd be here for it so I'm going to attend a memorial service at the cenotaph shortly. They will also be setting off the air raid siren and a few other shows will be on display. I might also visit the croc cove later and hold a real life baby crocodile! Whoa.... Watch this space!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I have arrived!

So all my warnings of the heat have certainly been true! Its already 29 degrees at only 8:30am. The thunder started to really boom last night - then came the rain!
Since I arrived everything has gone pretty smoothly. I'm starting my ute hunt today so will get a picture up when I've purchased one (hopefully!).
Pictures will come soon...