Yesterday after I had got all my jobs done, I headed to the end on the esplanade in Darwin to a fish feeding sanctuary in a place called Doctors Gully. Basically, since the early 1950s, hundreds of friendly local wild fish swim in to the shore with the high tide. Over the last 60 years, people have continued to feed them so now they are willingly hand-fed!
I had a go...
There were heaps of different breeds of fish! Milkfish, mullet, catfish, bream, batfish and barramundi.
Thats my hand....
Today marks the anniversary of the bombing of Darwin in WWII. I didn't realise I'd be here for it so I'm going to attend a memorial service at the cenotaph shortly. They will also be setting off the air raid siren and a few other shows will be on display. I might also visit the croc cove later and hold a real life baby crocodile! Whoa.... Watch this space!